Buzz results for the tag “Global Good”

Media Coverage

The Global Good Fund at Intellectual Ventures was recognized for its development of the Arktek cooler, which can keep vaccines cold for up to a month with no power. The cooler is designed for use in off-grid locations, where vaccines are often crucial health resources and power is limited.

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Last year, Behind the Breakthrough profiled Manan Shukla, an associate commercialization lead at Global Good. Manan has traveled extensively in some of the most impoverished regions in the world, working with farmers to understand the problems they’re facing and what technologies could help. Read More


This month we’ve celebrated and showcased STEM in our communities, and appreciated outstanding displays of tenacity and teamwork – traits inventors often share – from Olympic athletes in Rio. Read More

Press Releases

The Global Good Fund, managed by Intellectual Ventures, has signed a five-year manufacturing and distribution agreement with the Cryogenics Business Group of Indian Oil Corporation (NSE: Indian Oil) for the AI (Artificial Insemination) Shield. Read More


Photonic Fence isn’t just for mosquitoes. IV Lab also sees a promising future in agriculture for the technology, where diseases transmitted by insects can devastate crop production. Read More
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